NCP-Congress alliance candidates Sandeep Naik and Ganesh Naik from Airoli and Belapur constituencies respectively commenced their state assembly election campaign on Sunday. On the first day of campaigning, Guardian Minister Ganesh Naik accompanied his younger son Sandeep during the visits in Airoli constituency, while Sandeep's elder brother and Thane MP Sanjeev is expected to join them soon. The trio will carry out rally in both the constituencies accompanied by party corporators and supporters.
"We all are serving the city- I as the NMMC Standing Committee Chief, my father as the Thane Guardian Minister and my elder brother Sanjeev as the MP of Thane. It has been decided that we together will approach the city residents to seek their votes," said Sandeep Naik, who is contesting the assembly polls for first time.
The father-son duo has been visiting door-to-door in various sectors of Airoli and has already covered pockets of Anand Nagar, Ganesh Nagar, Ram Nagar, Ganpatipada, Sathe Nagar, Vishnu Nagar, Ilthanpada, Hanuman Nagar, Chinchpada, Yadavnagar and various wards of Airoli constituency. "We are trying to reach-out to each and every voter of the city. Besides, we are also conducting meetings in chowks. We plan our visits and meetings as per the convenience of voters," added Naik.
It's not only candidates, even the party workers and corproators are also busy visiting voters. "We are ensuring that people are not forgetting the services given by the Naiks, who have worked only with an objective over the years - the development of Navi Mumbai," said a Congress worker from Airoli.
"We all are serving the city- I as the NMMC Standing Committee Chief, my father as the Thane Guardian Minister and my elder brother Sanjeev as the MP of Thane. It has been decided that we together will approach the city residents to seek their votes," said Sandeep Naik, who is contesting the assembly polls for first time.
The father-son duo has been visiting door-to-door in various sectors of Airoli and has already covered pockets of Anand Nagar, Ganesh Nagar, Ram Nagar, Ganpatipada, Sathe Nagar, Vishnu Nagar, Ilthanpada, Hanuman Nagar, Chinchpada, Yadavnagar and various wards of Airoli constituency. "We are trying to reach-out to each and every voter of the city. Besides, we are also conducting meetings in chowks. We plan our visits and meetings as per the convenience of voters," added Naik.
It's not only candidates, even the party workers and corproators are also busy visiting voters. "We are ensuring that people are not forgetting the services given by the Naiks, who have worked only with an objective over the years - the development of Navi Mumbai," said a Congress worker from Airoli.
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