In Navi Mumbai, several ticket hopefuls both in Congress and NCP were upset when the names of Ganesh Naik from Belapur and Sandeep Naik from Airoli were declared. One of the NCP leaders who had demanded candidature from Airoli was Mathadi leader Narendra Patil. However, later he consented to Sandeep Naik’s candidature. And even though some still continued speculations that the Mathadi faction was upset, Narendra Patil came out in full support of the decision of the party to give candidatures to Ganesh Naik and Sandeep Naik. During Sharad Pawar’s visit to APMC, Narendra Patil said that as Labour Minister Ganesh Naik has worked for the workers class and now that Sandeep Naik is contesting the elections, the Mathadis will ensure that Sandeep Naik is elected with a thumping majority from Airoli constituency.
The Maratha strongman also voiced confidence that the Mathadi workers and leaders will stand behind Ganesh Naik and Sandeep Naik during the elections. Sharad Pawar underlined the need of both the Congress and NCP party workers and leaders to work with unity to ensure that the secular alliance came back to power.
With the NCP Supremo Sharad Pawar kicking off the poll campaign for NCP candidates from Belapur and Airoli Ganesh Naik and Sandeep Naik, it has certainly given a boost to the NCP in the city ahead of elections.
The Maratha strongman also voiced confidence that the Mathadi workers and leaders will stand behind Ganesh Naik and Sandeep Naik during the elections. Sharad Pawar underlined the need of both the Congress and NCP party workers and leaders to work with unity to ensure that the secular alliance came back to power.
With the NCP Supremo Sharad Pawar kicking off the poll campaign for NCP candidates from Belapur and Airoli Ganesh Naik and Sandeep Naik, it has certainly given a boost to the NCP in the city ahead of elections.
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